Android PhoneProgressive Web Apps

Be aware and stay ahead of the game, going forward, Progressive Web Apps are going to change the way business interact with customers and operate structurally.

Microsoft and Google have been backing PWA’s, and Apple has finally accepted them as well, so increasingly companies are embracing this mobile, inherently customizable tool.

So what is a progressive web app?

PWA’s are web applications that load like standard web pages but offer the offline functionality traditionally found in native mobile applications. They look and respond like an installable app, function for every browser available, on desktop or mobile, and allow for work offline. They are easily linkable and safe for any system they augment, and the rigamarole of going first through Apple or Android is no longer required.

What does this all mean? 

It means that PWA’s are as yet a largely untapped resource, limited only by imagination. Via the functionality of smartphones, they are highly accessible, can easily incorporate location tracking, push notifications, inventory management, customer notification, and/or whatever other buildable digital tool a business might need. 

Consider the possibilities, and dream large. Byte is here to help you make them happen.